Though there are many directions we might go this year, we have to start with moving forward. Duh. I know. But I like the simplicity of January 1. There's something freeing about knowing I haven't gotten off course yet. Life comes at us and turns things upside-down, and we can't do much ... READ the POST
Free Short Story: Where You Go—A Christmas Special.
One thing some authors do really well is give out little freebies—sneak peaks, short stories, extra scenes, etc. This is something I love getting from the authors I love and follow. So for about a year, I've wanted to think up some bonus material to share, and the more I thought about it, the more ... READ the POST
Here We Go
Well, here we go! It has been years since I blogged regularly, but since I'm writing every day, it's natural to add a blog in here or there, and even more fun when I have updates on books and writings and thoughts on these things. I hope you'll hang with me as I figure out what to share and how ... READ the POST