One thing some authors do really well is give out little freebies—sneak peaks, short stories, extra scenes, etc. This is something I love getting from the authors I love and follow.
So for about a year, I’ve wanted to think up some bonus material to share, and the more I thought about it, the more obvious it was—I love Christmas, I love Luke and Alex, and many of you do too. The combo just made sense.
And now, we have Where You Go — A Christmas Special. The title hearkens to the British TV show tradition of Christmas Specials for their shows. I love that they’re always an event, and I hope this little short story feels like an event for you, too!
Find the short story Here.
You can choose your format, or simply go with a PDF if you typically opt for paper books.
Please let me know what you think! If people enjoy this, I’m certainly willing to do more shorts. I had a great time revisiting Luke and Alex and I hope you do too!
Merry December to you,
I had to leave a comment – 1) I’m so jealous, you published bitca, snerk, and 2) N*Sync, ahahahahahahaha!
Seriously, though, I’m getting a laptop for Xmas, so maybe you’ll see me on soon after! (As my cuz, I’ll let you in on the high levels free of charge, if you think you might enjoy some of my stories. 😉 S’what family’s for, after all. *hugs* And now I’m off to hibernate – my neuropathy is sending waves of prickly pain down into my fingers…yowchy…)
But you keep writin’, sweetheart! Good luck!
-Amber (Stormraider)
I love it! Can’t wait to see you on there—time to crank the publication!